Holistic Health Heroes

61: Reed Davis, Testing for Discovery and Disfunction Identification, Not Another Diagnosis. The Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Method.

Kery Knutson Season 2 Episode 61

Reed Davis is a double-board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP) and Certified Nutritional Therapist (CNT) and a globally recognized expert in functional lab testing.
He founded Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN), after working with thousands of clients at a wellness center as Health Director. 
Since then Reed has pioneered the FDN Certification Course, which has helped more than 4,000 practitioners across 50 countries. Reed has personally guided over 10,000 clients to optimal wellness with lifestyle interventions guided by the discoveries made with functional lab testing. 
For practitioners and those on a health journey, learn from Reed at this special link provided to my listeners: http://fdntraining.com/knutson

A few additional links mentioned in this episode:
EWG: https://www.ewg.org/areas-focus
Book, "What your Doctor may not tell you about Menopause"
Metabolic Typing Assessment: https://mtdiet.com/

And of course, for relief care supplements visit: https://ngvitamins.com/ 

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NOTE: This information contained is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or health condition. Please consult a qualified health professional if you do have a medical condition. The information on this podcast represents the opinions of the hosts and guests.