Holistic Health Heroes

71: Need-to-know info on Uterine Fibroids and Estrogen Dominance including: diet, conventional vs holistic treatments, supplements to consider and more

Kery Knutson Season 2 Episode 71

I'm often inspired by the stories I hear in my life. So, when a friend told me she suffered with uterine fibroids I wanted to look into the subject and share what I learned. 

While I conducted loads of research here and there, there was one article I wanted to include here and that's the one by Dr. Northrup:  https://www.drnorthrup.com/fibroids/ 

If you'd like to check out the supplements that we have at our store which may help support someone with fibroids, there's a good list to explore: 

Natural Progesterone Cream:

Pre-Mense-T™ supports hormonal balance:  https://ngvitamins.com/product/premense-t-pms-support/ 

Curcumin to help promote Healthy Inflammation Response: https://ngvitamins.com/product/curamed-750-mg/  

Boswellia supports the Inflammation Response:  https://ngvitamins.com/product/bosmed-500-extra-strength/

Vitamin D, K5: https://ngvitamins.com/product/vitamin-d3-k2-liquid/ 

B Complex: https://ngvitamins.com/product/source-of-life-garden-b-complex/

Magnesium: https://ngvitamins.com/product/mega-magnesium/ 

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Shop Vollara® Air & Surface Pro+ with us at Nature's Garden here: https://www.vollara.com/order/Air02/?u=naturesgarden OR call Tony at the store at: 239-643-4959 

Organ meats are the ultimate superfoods, with concentrated amounts of vitamins, minerals and protein that few other foods can match. Go to EatPluck.com and enter CODE: HHHPodcast for 15% OFF 

Join my community at: http://ngvitamins.com/insider 

NOTE: This information contained is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or health condition. Please consult a qualified health professional if you do have a medical condition. The information on this podcast represents the opinions of the hosts and guests.