Holistic Health Heroes

74: Cloves: Spice with Medicinal Might

Kery Knutson Season 2 Episode 74

My interest in cloves came to me after seeing Dr. Berg talk about the power of clove water at night. I tried it and really liked it... so I wanted to share a bit more about this mighty little spice used for centuries in a medicinal way. Enjoy! And let me know if you plan to incorporate cloves into your routine... 

Here's the tincture I started using for oral health: https://ngvitamins.com/product/clove-1oz/ 

And the jojoba oil too: https://ngvitamins.com/product/heather-loraine-organic-16oz-oils/ 

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NOTE: This information contained is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or health condition. Please consult a qualified health professional if you do have a medical condition. The information on this podcast represents the opinions of the hosts and guests.