Holistic Health Heroes

76: Food Labels, What's best? Organic vs. Local and Pastured vs. Grass-Fed... what's the healthiest option to choose and good resources to reference

Kery Knutson Season 2 Episode 76

Buying "healthy" isn't always easy. What's better organic or local? What is the difference between cage free and free range? Let's clear up the confusion in this episode all about the healthiest labels. 

Resources Mentioned: 

How I wash my produce: 

Grapefruit seed Extract: https://ngvitamins.com/product/grapefruit-seed-extract-liquid-concentrate-4-oz/

P2 fruit and Veggie Wash: https://ngvitamins.com/product/p2-fruit-veggie-wash-12-oz/

THE MEATRIX Videos:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEkc70ztOrc and Part 2: https://youtu.be/VAN6G8sBNIE?si=j-jik50dwBnjedsa 

Egg Scorecard: https://www.cornucopia.org/scorecard/eggs/ 

Dirty Dozen: https://www.ewg.org/foodnews/dirty-dozen.php 

Clean 15: https://www.ewg.org/foodnews/clean-fifteen.php 

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Shop Vollara® Air & Surface Pro+ with us at Nature's Garden here: https://www.vollara.com/order/Air02/?u=naturesgarden OR call Tony at the store at: 239-643-4959 

Join my community at: http://ngvitamins.com/insider 

NOTE: This information contained is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or health condition. Please consult a qualified health professional if you do have a medical condition. The information on this podcast represents the opinions of the hosts and guests.